Roberto Castellotti's profile picture

Hi, I am Roberto Castellotti, straight outta Genova, IT. In 2022 I graduated in Computer Science at UniGE and enrolled in a Master a in Informatik at TUM. A couple exams from the end I dropped out (maybe one day I will write about my experience). I am currently a Software Engineer at Guardsquare in Leuven, BE.

I am always disassemblying whatever I can put my hands on to understand what's happening and why, since I simply cannot accept "It Works". And yes, before you ask, I'm a hacker.

I'm into distributed systems, operating systems and networking. I guess it is safe to say my favourite part of "Computer Science" is "Computer". I love bears. 🐻🏴‍☠️🤍


Cool stuff from the interwebz 24/02/2024
Development of a Framework for Retrieval of Parameters of the Starlink Dish 02/01/2024
Performance Evaluation of AMD SEV 25/08/2023
Quotes 03/09/2022
BSc@unige 12/08/2022
Choose Python 28/04/2022
Films // TV shows // Books 24/12/2020